Produits cosmétiques

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Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Article de conditionnement : flacon airless rond blanc et capot translucide
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Organic argan oil is offered to cosmetic labs and cosmetic private label formulators as well as importers as one of the most popular cosmetic ingredients for hair and skin care as well as nails and skin stretch marks, blemishes, acne, burns, anti aging, anti wrinkles
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autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : argan oil for cosmetics , hair and skin care
Produits cosmétiques
Description : Organic argan oil keeps your skin young, fresh and lubricated for whereby one need les make up to look most attractive helping to remove wrinkles , acne and blemishes
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : Argan oil and Moringa oil are offered to cosmetic laboratories for private label formulations for Hair and Skin care as well as to importersand/or distibutors
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : Face Care- Body Care - Baby Care - Men Care - Sun Care
The main ingredient in BIOselect Certified Organic Skin Care Product Line is Dictamelia®, the patented infusion of the Dittany plant (an endemic plant of Crete with healing properties) in organically cultivated extra virgin olive oil( used as skin care oil by Ancient Greeks). The specific infusion is created and produced solely for our product line, using specific extraction and maturation techniques, in order to secure the maximum benefits of the dictamnus herb and extra virgin olive oil.
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : BIOselect® is a company manufacturing Skin Care products made of high-performance organic and natural ingredients found in the island of Crete.
Looking at centuries-old ingredients and cretan recipes passed along from generation to generation, BIOselect created an innovative organic skin care product line with Dictamelia ®, the patented dittany infusion in extra virgin organic olive oil. We pride ourselves in creating an organic product line with healing and rejuvenating properties and amazing effects on skin.
The main ingredient in BIOselect Certified Organic Skin Care Product Line is Dictamelia®, the patented infusion of the Dittany plant (an endemic plant of Crete with healing properties) in organically cultivated extra virgin olive oil( used as skin care oil by Ancient Greeks). The specific infusion is created and produced solely for our product line, using specific extraction and maturation techniques, in order to secure the maximum benefits of the dictamnus herb and extra virgin olive oil.
Produits cosmétiques
Icea Instituto Mediterraneo Di Certificazione
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : BIOselect flagship product is Dictamelia Ointment , a 100% natural product based on the patented Dictamelia® formula with numerous functions. Not only can this product be used as a healing ointment addressing numerous skin health concerns, but it can also be used as a multi function beauty remedy.
Produits cosmétiques
Description : From the Mediterranean to the gates of the East, Bioselect Naturals Hair and Body Mist Fragrance collection travels the ancient routes to discover herbs, fruits & exotic spices that awaken the senses and the soul. A magical journey through unique fragrances and vigorous sensations.
Produits cosmétiques
Icea Instituto Mediterraneo Di Certificazione
Soins du corps
Description : BIOselect® is a company manufacturing Skin Care products made of high-performance organic and natural ingredients found in the island of Crete.
Looking at centuries-old ingredients and cretan recipes passed along from generation to generation, BIOselect created an innovative organic skin care product line with Dictamelia ®, the patented dittany infusion in extra virgin organic olive oil. We pride ourselves in creating an organic product line with healing and rejuvenating properties and amazing effects on skin.
The main ingredient in BIOselect Certified Organic Skin Care Product Line is Dictamelia®, the patented infusion of the Dittany plant (an endemic plant of Crete with healing properties) in organically cultivated extra virgin olive oil( used as skin care oil by Ancient Greeks). The specific infusion is created and produced solely for our product line, using specific extraction and maturation techniques, in order to secure the maximum benefits of the dictamnus herb and extra virgin olive oil.
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Huile de pépins de Figues de Barbarie BIO 100% pure, naturelle et vierge (non raffinée), pressée à froid.
Producteur et transformateur certifié USDA Organic, notre coopérative propose depuis + de 6 ans des produits d'exceptions.
Rare et précieuse (il faut environ 1 tonne de figues pour faire un seul litre), cette huile est un miracle de la nature, notamment contre le vieillissement des cellules et leur renouvellement.
Nous travaillons avec des professionnels de la beauté, des grands comptes, des grossistes, des industriels, des détaillants, et des associations, partout dans le monde.
Nous vous proposons plusieurs conditionnements (en verre) : 10ml, 15ml, 30ml, 50ml, et en vrac (1l). Nous faisons également du sur-mesure .
Commande en grande et petite quantité.
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter.
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : SoulTree is the only Indian Brand to offer certified-natural personal care and beauty products. All our products use authentic Ayurvedic recipes and honestly sourced natural, organic ingredients that do no harm, only good.
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : produits cosmétique
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : huile pour soins de corps à base de plante bio
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : société tunisienne produit des huiles essentielles bio et des plantes aromatiques cherche des clients.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
